Animal Welfare

Men with cattle

MISSION: CS Beef Packers takes pride in being stewards of live cattle and strives to competently and consistently produce quality beef products that are derived from humanely handled livestock.

CS Beef Packers abides by a written Systematic Approach to Humane Handling and Slaughter program that implements the provisions found in USDA-FSIS Directive 6900.2 and of the AMI Recommended Animal Handling Guidelines and Audit Guide 2017 Edition, found here.

Our beef plant is one of the newest, most modern, state of the art, harvest facilities in the nation. The Livestock Handling Area, reflects the latest designs from renowned industry expert, Dr. Temple Grandin. We have rigorous protocols and employee training on humane livestock handling for all personnel handling livestock. The scope of our program ensures that proper animal handling techniques are conducted from the time the transportation conveyance enters the facility’s premises through the stunning and exsanguination processes of the animal.
beef packers working
All cattle received by CS Beef Packers must pass USDA-FSIS ante mortem inspection prior to harvest. USDA-FSIS regulations stipulate that all non-ambulatory cattle must be excluded from any harvest facility and kept from entering the human food supply. CS Beef Packers has always maintained strict compliance with all USDA-FSIS regulations. We operate under a rigid program to prevent all non-ambulatory cattle from entering our production process. Detailed records are maintained to verify compliance. CS Beef Packers has PAACO Certified auditors on site that verify adherence to all aspects of our Systematic Approach to Humane Handling and Slaughter program.

As a progressive beef packer dedicated to producing safe and wholesome beef products, we focus on maintaining an environment for live cattle that meets or exceeds the highest humane livestock handling standards, whether set by our industry, our customers, or by governmental regulation.